

Tojinbo is a 1-kilometer-long cliff of pyroxene andesite, a volcanic rock with cracks like pillars.

Tojinbo is a mesmerizing natural wonder located along the rugged coastline of Fukui Prefecture, overlooking the Sea of Japan. It is renowned for its stunning cliffs, formed over centuries by the relentless waves and winds of the sea.

The cliffs of Tojinbo rise majestically from the deep blue waters below, their rugged faces adorned with intricate patterns of columnar joints. Standing on the top of the cliffs, you can hear the roar of the waves crashing against the cliffs, sending sprays of sea foam high into the air.

Tojinbo is not only a geological marvel but also a place of profound natural beauty. During winter, the cliffs stand stoically against the crashing waves, creating a stark contrast against the white-capped sea.

For those seeking adventure, pleasure boat tours offer a unique perspective of Tojinbo from the sea. The boats navigate through narrow channels between the cliffs, providing an up-close view of these awe-inspiring natural formations.




As the sun sets over Tojinbo, casting a warm glow over the cliffs and sea, visitors are treated to a spectacle of colors and shadows that change with each passing moment.

Whether you’re captivated by its geological wonders, enchanted by its natural beauty, or simply seeking a moment of serenity amidst nature’s grandeur, Tojinbo promises an unforgettable experience that will leave a lasting impression.

There is an Echizen Matsushima Aquarium nearby, opened in 1959, where visitors can learn about the sea of Fukui.